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    How Can Students Find Rental Apartment In NYC?

    NYC is home to some of the most prestigious institutes of the United States and attracts thousands of students to seek admission here. Not everyone can stay on the campuses which means several hundred students out there hunting for economical and affordable apartments. They usually look for short term rentals or sublet houses where they can live with roommates.

    The major problem remains where to live and how to manage high rents as perks of being in NYC. The good thing to walk away with is NYC is fully capable of accommodating whoever comes to live here.

    Give a glance down the article to know how to lease and find an apartment in NYC, being a student:

    Two Types of Accommodations for Students:

    1) In Campus Housing
    2) Off Campus Housing

    In Campus Housing:

    The first option for the majority of the students remains to get accommodation inside the university campus. It gives them the luxury to stay within the department’s reach and do not have to commute from a far place.

    Though education institutes have the facility of accommodation but most of the time, it does not prove enough. Besides, they always have certain criteria to meet and guidelines to follow to qualify for space inside campus. It does not remain possible for many students to get adjusted inside the campus, so they seek housing outside the campus.

    Off Campus Housing:

    Those who do not get to stay inside campus off campus residences provide an effective solution. You are likely to find an apartment in the city with a little effort. However, the flip side is that there are a few buildings that are designed to keep students in mind while the majority of the buildings for rent to students are conventional rental buildings.

    It poses a challenge for students as rents tend to be high for apartments in the market. On the other hand, if you happen to find one, it would be a treat as you would not find an equally comfortable space on the college campus.

    If you can invest some time in hunting for an apartment, you are likely to find your dream space.

    Following are some of the best options you may have as a Student in NYC:

    Look for No Fee Apartments:

    Being a student means you would never have enough cash to meet all your expenses let alone extra savings. The idea is to save as much as you can and to materialize the idea, you can exploit a no-fee apartment option.

    It has Two Chief Advantages:

    1st: You would not have to pay a broker fee which means savings.
    2nd: You may get in direct touch with a landlord which would save you from qualifying certain criteria.

    In addition to it, you would have more privacy and control in a private residence which usually students do not have in dorms.

    If you know the city already and have a shelter till you find your own space, explore the neighborhood, and meet landlords directly. Or else, you may visit and search for no-fee apartments on dedicated websites.

    Find A Roommate:

    Even if you have managed to find a suitable apartment for yourself, chances are you would not be able to pay all the rent by yourself. It becomes even worse if you do not have a part-time job.

    The silver bullet is to have a roommate. You may use two channels for it:

    1) Co Signing
    2) Subletting

    Co Signing:

    It is a kind of arrangement where you co-sign a lease along with your roommate. The chief advantage is that you will not be responsible for the actions of your roommate and will not be held accountable if anything goes wrong with your roommate.


    Subletting is slightly different from co-signing as in this type of lease you only sign a lease individually and then sublet a room to a new person. You would have to inform your landlord about subletting and in case anything goes wrong, you will be held responsible for that.

    Requirements for Renting in NYC for Students:

    To rent an apartment in New York City as a student, you will typically need to provide proof of income, a security deposit, and possibly a co-signer if you don’t meet the landlord’s income requirements. Landlords may also require a credit check, references, and proof of enrollment in a school.

    Additionally, you may need to budget for first and last month’s rent, as well as any broker fees if you use a real estate agent to help you find an apartment.

    Where can I find student housing in NYC?

    There are several options for finding student housing in NYC. Here are a few suggestions:

    Check with your School: Many schools have resources for students looking for off-campus housing, including listings of available apartments or roommates.

    Use Online Resources: Websites like Craigslist, Zillow, and can be useful for finding apartments or roommates.

    Look into Co-Living Spaces: Companies like Common, Ollie, and WeLive offer co-living spaces specifically geared towards students and young professionals.

    Connect with other Students: Try posting on social media or student forums to connect with other students who are also looking for housing. You may be able to find a roommate or a sublet this way.

    Consider a Homestay: Homestays can be a more affordable option and provide a unique cultural experience. Companies like Homestay and Hostelworld offer options for short-term or long-term homestays.

    Some General Tips

    Act upon the following tips to make your apartment hunting smooth:

    • Too much demand attracts scams and people fall for them easily. Keep your senses alert when hunting for apartments and if something feels wrong, it might well be. So listen to your gut feeling.
    • The best way to avoid scams is to work with registered real estate firms and licensed brokers. You would never regret your decision.
    • Before striking a deal, pay an in-person visit and examine the apartment well. The notice required repairing and functional issues and let your potential landlord know them. There will be no going back if the deal is done so double check all the facilities.
    • NYC maintains a database of all the rental buildings to facilitate renters. Invest some time in going through the apartment’s history and see if it is worth living in.
    • If you can afford to have it, get renter’s insurance. It is likely to keep you protected from any unexpected accidents and unwanted losses.


    Note: Landlord’s insurance would not cover your belongings and if you want to protect your belongings, get renter’s insurance.

    How much is student rent in New York?

    The cost of student rent in New York City can vary widely depending on a variety of factors, including location, type of housing, and number of roommates.

    On average, you can expect to pay around $1,000-$1,500 per month for a room in a shared apartment or house in Manhattan, and slightly less in the other boroughs.

    However, it’s important to note that rent prices in NYC can be very high, and it’s not uncommon for students to pay $2,000 or more per month for a private apartment in a desirable location.

    Additionally, some housing options, like dorms or homestays, may be less expensive than renting an apartment.

    Where do Students Stay Cheap in NYC?

    There are several neighborhoods in New York City that are known for being more affordable and popular among students.

    Here are a Few Suggestions:

    Upper Manhattan: Neighborhoods like Harlem, Washington Heights, and Inwood tend to have lower rent prices than other parts of the city, and are home to several universities.

    Brooklyn: Areas like Crown Heights, Bushwick, and East Flatbush can be more affordable than some parts of Manhattan, and are popular among students.

    Queens: Neighborhoods like Astoria, Sunnyside, and Jackson Heights offer easy access to Manhattan and tend to have lower rent prices.

    The Bronx: Neighborhoods like Fordham, University Heights, and Morris Heights are home to several universities and offer more affordable rent prices than other parts of the city.

    Additionally, students may be able to find more affordable housing options by subletting a room or apartment from someone who is going out of town, or by living in a shared housing arrangement, like a co-living space or with roommates.

    How do I Avoid Being Scammed as a Student in NYC?

    Unfortunately, rental scams can be a problem in any city, and New York City is no exception. Here are a few tips to help you avoid being scammed when looking for student housing in NYC:

    • Don’t Wire Money or Pay in Cash: If a landlord or agent asks you to wire money or pay in cash, this should be a red flag. Legitimate landlords and agents will typically accept payment via check or credit card.
    • Verify the Landlord or Agent: Do your research and make sure the landlord or agent is legitimate. You can check with the Better Business Bureau, read online reviews, or ask for references.
    • Don’t Sign Anything without Reading it First: Make sure you read and understand the lease agreement before you sign it. If there is anything you don’t understand, ask for clarification.
    • Trust your Instincts: If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Be wary of any landlord or agent who is pressuring you to sign a lease or asking for personal information that seems unnecessary.
    • Use a Trusted Website or Agent: Use reputable websites to search for apartments or work with a trusted real estate agent. Be wary of any website or agent that asks for personal information or payment upfront.
    • Visit the Apartment in Person: If possible, visit the apartment in person before signing a lease. This will help you verify that the apartment is real and in the condition you expect.

    How much does a Student Spend Per Month in NYC?

    The amount that a student spends per month in New York City can vary widely depending on a variety of factors, including housing costs, food expenses, transportation costs, and entertainment expenses.

    Here is a rough estimate of the monthly expenses a student might incur in NYC:

    • Housing: $1,000 – $1,500 for a shared apartment or room
    • Food: $300 – $500 for groceries and dining out
    • Transportation: $121 for a monthly MetroCard for the subway and bus system
    • Utilities: $100 – $200 for internet, electricity, and other utilities
    • Entertainment: $200 – $500 for activities like movies, concerts, and museums


    Overall, a student could expect to spend at least $1,700 – $2,000 per month on basic expenses in New York City. However, the actual cost could be significantly higher depending on the student’s lifestyle and spending habits. It’s important to create a budget and stick to it in order to manage expenses while living in NYC.

    Final Thoughts

    Finding a rental apartment in New York City can be a daunting task for students. However, there are several resources and strategies that can help simplify the process.

    Students can start by checking with their schools for off-campus housing resources, using online resources like Craigslist and, or considering co-living spaces.

    Additionally, it’s important to be aware of potential rental scams and to take steps to protect yourself, like verifying the landlord or agent and not wiring money or paying in cash. With the right tools and precautions, students can find a rental apartment in NYC that meets their needs and budget.

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