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How to Reduce Allergies and Improve Air Quality Indoors

By: ROS Team

Allergies can be a major inconvenience, especially when they affect your home. There are, however, certain things you can do to lower indoor allergens and enhance air quality.

The key is to understand what causes dust and allergens in the first place and then to find strategies to eliminate them or prevent them from entering your home!

In this post, we’ll go over some simple steps you can take at home (and on a budget) to improve your apartments’ air quality and reduce indoor allergies in just a few days:

Common Allergens Found Indoors

Common allergens found indoors include:

1) Mold
2) Pollen
3) Dust mites

Mold spores are present in the air outdoors and indoors. They’re microscopic fungi that grow on dead plants or animal matter. Some types of mold produce allergens that can trigger asthma attacks in sensitive people who breathe them in.

Pollen is a powdery substance produced by trees and some flowers – it’s what causes seasonal allergies when it’s released into the air during certain times of year (such as springtime).

Dust mite droppings are another common source of indoor allergies: these microscopic creatures feed on dead skin cells shed by humans – and live inside our mattresses!

How To Get Rid Of Allergies?

1. Use a HEPA Air Filter

If you’re looking for the most effective solution to eliminate allergies in your house, a HEPA filter is the way to go.

These filters are designed to capture 99% of particles as small as 0.3 microns, including dust mites and pet dander. They are found in a variety of machines, such as Hoover cleaners, air purifiers, and air conditioners.

Use a HEPA Air Filter
Photo Credit: Canva


A rule of thumb is that if anything has HEPA certification (meaning it fulfills strong requirements set by the United States Environmental Protection Agency), it will almost certainly have an equally outstanding filtering system integrated into its design.

Those with allergies should consult with their doctor before purchasing any type of equipment with a HEPA certification because some people may experience adverse effects from being exposed too much at once – but generally speaking, these types work well!

2. Wash your Bedding and Blankets Regularly

Regularly wash your bedding and blankets. This is a simple yet efficient method for getting rid of dust mites, pollen, mold spores, and other allergens in your home.

Wash your Bedding
Photo Credit: Canva


You can wash them in the washing machine on a gentle cycle with warm or hot water and a detergent that contains enzymes (many detergents do).

Use hypoallergenic detergents instead of conventional detergents if you have sensitive skin or allergies. Once they’re clean and dry, keep them in sealed plastic bags until they’re needed so they don’t become too dusty while lying unoccupied for long periods of time.

3. Remove Carpeting If Possible

Another way to improve indoor air quality and reduce allergies is to remove carpeting if possible. Carpets are a major source of allergens, dust mites, and other impurities that can aggravate asthma or induce allergic reactions in those who are allergic to certain things.

Remove Carpet
Photo Credit: Canva


Carpeting traps moisture and odors underneath it, which can lead to mold growth on the floorboards underneath your carpets – especially if your home has poor ventilation or a congested HVAC system that doesn’t ventilate well enough for you to feel comfortable opening windows during warm weather months (or even at any time).

In addition, carpets trap allergens in their fibers – which means they’re circulating around your home 24/7 unless they’re cleaned regularly with an appropriate machine designed specifically for this purpose.

4. Avoid Scented Products

If you’re like the majority of people, you probably have at least one air freshener or scented candle in your home. They give it a lovely, clean smell, but they also include chemicals that can aggravate allergies and create other health issues.

Avoid Scented Products
Photo Credit: Canva


Instead of using these products, try using natural scents instead. Lemon juice or orange peels are excellent for eradicating odors from your home without the use of synthetic scents; simply place them in a bowl on top of the fridge for a few days before replacing them with fresh items as needed!

If you want something more long-lasting than citrus fruits (and don’t mind spending some money), pinecones work well, too – just place one near each entranceway into the house so that everybody gets their share of piney goodness while entering/leaving through those doors!

Pro Tip: Pollen and air pollution can influence allergy air quality, so close windows during high-pollen seasons and check air quality reports before going outside.

5. Use an Ultraviolet Light (UVC) Sterilization System in your Bathroom

UV light is a safe and effective way to kill microorganisms. It’s a great way to keep your bathroom clean and sanitary, but it can be used in many areas of the home as well.

For years, UV radiation has been utilized in hospitals, laboratories, and other healthcare settings where sterilization is crucial for patient safety.

It’s also used in food processing factories since, unlike antibiotics, it eliminates bacteria that cause food illness or spoilage without affecting taste or quality.

UV lights are also used to eliminate hazardous bacteria, such as mold spores, which can cause allergies when breathed into the lungs of patients suffering from asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

6. Dust more Often, but Less Often at the Same Time

Dust your home more often than you might have been doing before, but with a damp cloth instead of a dry one.

This will help remove allergens from surfaces so they don’t get stirred up into the air again when you dust them again later in the week or month.

But don’t forget that dusting itself can be an allergen-inducing activity if you do it too much! So try to limit how many times per week (or month) you actually have to go through this process by removing clutter from around your house first and foremost – as well as keeping windows open during springtime weather changes when possible – and then follow up by using a damp cloth rather than dry one when necessary.

7. Removal of Sources of Moisture (e.g., Leaks, Damp Areas)

If you have any leaks, moisture, or damp areas in your home, they should be repaired immediately. Moisture is a common cause of mold and mildew growth as well as wood rot.

It can also stain carpets and wallpaper, peel paint off walls and bubble up when it’s applied to a surface that is already wet.

Improving Air Quality and Reducing Allergens

You can reduce allergens and improve air quality indoors without spending tons of money or taking away from your home’s style or function.

Improving Air Quality and Reducing Allergens
Photo Credit: Canva


Here are a few simple steps to get started:

  • Change your filters regularly (as recommended by the manufacturer). This will keep dust, pollen, and other contaminants from building up in your HVAC system, which would otherwise end up circulating through your entire house.
  • Clean window sills often with soapy water and dry them completely afterward so they don’t trap moisture inside the house – which could increase mold growth on those surfaces that may not be visible from outside but still affect how much pollen gets into the air inside!
  • If possible, replace carpeting with hardwood floors or tile; these materials are easier for pets who shed hair (and allergen) onto them when walking around rather than vacuuming up later on a per-day basis.

Final Thoughts

We hope this article has given you some helpful tips for reducing indoor allergies and improving air quality indoors.

We understand that making adjustments in your house can be tough, but we encourage you to consider at least one or two of these tips.

Even if they don’t help with indoor allergies specifically, they will still improve your health and make life more enjoyable!

Related Article:

Mold in My Apartment: What Should I Do?
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