9 Useful Tips to Prevent Your Dog from Barking in the Apartment
By: ROS Team
Dogs are loyal companions, but they can also be a nuisance to your neighbors. Apartments don’t normally allow dogs, so there’s no way to let your dog out without upsetting the neighbors. In this article, we’ll share some tips on how to stop your dog from barking in the apartment.
Establish A Routine
Establishing a routine for your dog is important in preventing him from barking in the apartment. The first step is to figure out what times of day your dog needs to go outside and how long he can be left alone. Your veterinarian should be able to help with this.
Make Sure Your Dog Has Plenty Of Exercises
One of the best ways to keep your dog from barking is to make sure it has plenty of exercise. Dogs are happier when they get enough exercise, and that happiness can translate into less barking.
A tired dog is less likely to bark than one who’s bored or over-excited by the sights and sounds of its environment.
If you don’t want to take your dog outside every day (or even twice), consider investing in a treadmill or other type of indoor exercise so they can burn off some energy while staying inside with you.

Feed Your Dog Twice Daily
Dogs need to eat twice a day, and the food should be divided into two meals. The first meal should be in the morning, and the second should be at night.
When you feed your dog once per day, he may become hungry enough to bark for attention or food when he wants something from you (like going outside).
This can also cause him to chew on things around your apartment, like furniture or other items that might break apart easily if chewed on by an anxious dog!
Don’t Leave Your Dog Alone For Long Periods
Dogs are packed animals and like to be around other dogs and people. So if you’re going to be away from home for an extended period. Make sure that there’s someone else who can look after your pet. This will help keep them from becoming anxious or depressed while you’re gone. Which could lead them to start barking at the slightest sound they hear in their new environment.

Praise Quiet Behavior
As you’re doing all of this, make sure to praise your dog when they are quiet. This is especially important if you want to reinforce the no-barking behavior.
If you are not sure whether your dog has been quiet for a long time. Ask a friend or family member if they can listen for any barking and give you feedback on how long it has been since you last heard barking from your pup.
If someone else thinks that it has been long enough and hasn’t heard any barking lately. Then consider giving them some treats or even playtime with other dogs to reward them for their good behavior!
Get Another Dog Or Cat If You Have A One-Pet Household
If you have a one-pet household, consider getting another dog or cat. This can help keep your pet company and also help train him to be calmer.
If this isn’t an option for you at the moment, try talking with friends who have pets in similar situations as yours (single-dog households).
Your friend may be able to offer advice on how they manage their dogs’ barking while living in an apartment building.
If none of these options work out for you and your pup still keeps making noise when he’s left alone at home. Consider investing in some toys that keep him entertained while he’s alone – and make sure they won’t make any noise!
You might also want to look into classes where he learns new tricks so he doesn’t get bored without stimulation from his owner or other people around him all day long.
Use A Doggy Daycare Center
A doggy daycare center can be a great way to give your dog an outlet for his energy and keep him from barking in the apartment.
Just make sure the place isn’t too rowdy. If you leave your dog there for long periods, he’ll start missing you and become sad or lonely – which could lead to more barking when you come home!

Additionally, make sure that the facility is clean and safe:
- No broken toys or furniture;
- No dirty floors or walls;
- Good ventilation (to prevent mold growth);
- Proper waste disposal procedures
So that poop-smelling bags aren’t left lying around all day long…the list goes on!
Make Sure Your Apartment Is Quiet
Make sure your apartment is quiet. No TV, radio, or other noise should be coming from inside your apartment. The dog may start barking because he hears something that sounds like a threat outside (like a loud truck) and wants to alert you to it.
Keep windows closed. If there are any windows in your apartment where the dog can see outside and bark at whatever he sees there. Make sure they’re closed so that he doesn’t hear those noises and become startled or confused by them.
Don’t let him out on balconies or patios unless necessary (and even then, only do so when no one is around).
These areas are often noisy, with birds singing and other animals making sounds. If these sounds scare him enough for him to bark, then chances are good that keeping him indoors will prevent those barks from happening altogether!
White Noise Or Calming Music
White noise or calming music are two great ways to help your dog relax, White noise is a sound that masks other sounds, like the barking of other dogs and neighbors’ televisions.
Calming music can be relaxing for you and your dog. Especially if it’s something they’re used to hearing at home or during walks.
If you don’t want to invest in an expensive machine, try playing soft music on your phone or computer – it will still have an effect!
The Bottom Line
If you’re looking for a quiet apartment, it’s important to consider how your dog will fit into the equation. If he barks a lot, then it may not be possible for him to live in an apartment setting without some sort of intervention.
However, there are plenty of ways to keep your dog from barking too much – and these tips can even help with other behavior problems like chewing furniture!